Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pre-Ike Sky
Neighbors nervously stared at the sky over drinks for courage
We asked each other the same questions, asking eyes and glances
A light rain started to come down
Here's how we hunker down in Houston town
Eek! It's Ike!
Rain was beating down as we hit sleep
All four cuddled up in one great bed
Around four the wind began to change
A soothing surf quality to his roar,
What later they referred to as "the freight train"
It sounded good to me, like a night on the beach
It was during the absence of lulls
That its malovence struck
A chord of concern
Within one's soul
Windows and doors fluttered
Against their frames
Sometimes brought more frightful sounds
A bang, a crash, a thump, a thud
The sound of the trees agonizing defeat
Againts Mother Nature's Son
Not sleeping for awareness
Restless toddler pressed against my chest
Older child who didn't want to wake up now
Although he insisted to stay up before
Husband patrolling perimeter
Nothing's wrong, he says,
We drift off into dreams
And wake up to
Massive power outages
A downed tree
The dog's shade tree
To be exact
Missed it all
On the way down
Wet. Leaves. Stickiness.
The day before, I made casserolles
We ate cold noodle dishes
Over plates and drank
bottled water
juices, frozen treats
cold cereal
Use up the milk
Chips and beer
They say
The first things off the shelves
Day two off the grid
Hurricane Ike recovery
playing nonstop
On battery radio from college
I haven't used in ten years
Reports called in from
stores that are open,
Where you can buy gas
Mayor and Council grilled
over open flames
by reporters pressing
for timelines
As we wait to find out
Where we can get ice...
Our cooler is low
But we don't worry about it
And sure enough Ole Steve
Was a boy and brought one
Over anyway
And later, it was a generator
When his power came on
And ours was still out
Only for three more hours
In which we microwaved
Our casserolle dinners
And watched some TV
Cleaned the yard
and then
some boy outside shouts
"The power is back on!"
And we return the generator
And look out in our yard
And see it playing out
on the TV
"360, 000"
have power returned
Only 1.75 million to go....
in the Post Ike parade


The Writer said...

Glad you're back and everybody's okay!

Happy wandering!

The Writer...and her dog, Bear

The Writer said...

Hey! How are you guys? Hope that all is well!

Happy wandering!

The Writer...and her dog, Bear