Tuesday, February 02, 2010


So, I have prayed often for a sign from God, specifically asking him to reveal his will about a certain issue. I'm not sure signs were ever there, but sometimes I wondered if they were just too subtle for me to understand. I started confessing that to Him, too. I told him I might be a little obtuse. I told him I needed like a billboard or something, something very clear and right there in front of me.
So, the morning the big decision was made on this issue, I was driving to the feed store. I kept turning over in my heart why I felt so much peace, and...happiness. I felt just plain happy. So I start wondering, God, is this a sign?
Then I looked out, instead of inward, and I saw this billboard.

And you know, then I start thinking, maybe these signs have been there all along, and I am just extremely dense. I mean, really, it should have been pretty clear what God's will was when the minister took my hands one day, during a private session with her regarding some other issues. She looked me deep in the eyes and said, "I know you've been praying for a sign from God. Here's your sign.... Leave him." But still, I couldn't quite wrap my head around it. I had to look at it from all the angles, and that took some time.

Anyways, I start wondering what other kinds of signs are out there, what else have I been missing. I drive circles around Spring, running through it with eyes wide open. Here's what I found:I spent some time in the bank, and on my way out, I heard someone call my name. It was a woman I worked with for three years in my past career as a vet tech for dogs. She had been the receptionist, and we never talked all that much, but we had gone to lunch some. I told her what I was doing in there, on our way out. She understands, she remembers me being sad, even then. She looks me up and down."You look really good, for someone going through all that."She tells me that was because God was working through me."It's because He finally gave you the courage to leave, baby. He did that for you, and He will never leave you now. He's with you."And that, finally that, made me want to cry, but not because I was sad, but because I was so damn appreciative. That tricky God. He gave me what I needed when I needed to have it. And it makes me think of Exodus, and the bible study we are doing at church. I think maybe that is where I am right now.

The story we are studying is the part where the Israelites are wandering through the wilderness, and they became famished. They were hungry for meat and bread, and God made them a promise to care for them. At night, quail flew down and landed at their feet, and in the morning, bread rained down from the sky, and "each was given unto their need". And that's a bit how I feel right now. Like manna from heaven just rained down upon me.

There is more I could say about this, Part II forthwithcoming, more photos to share, but...that would take me too deep in this. And it's a good stopping place. Pacing myself....

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