Monday, October 06, 2008

There's a Story in Every Moment...
The trick is in the telling....
About every three days or so, my fingers begin to twitch with impatience. They want the keyboard, to feel the pressure of the keys pressed down, to feel the words flow out. They want to tell all the stories that lie within my heart.
Last week, I had to ignore the twitches. At work, every moment was busy with preparing for a presentation that meant a lot to me. I could go into the latest in the square dance between me, the behaviorist, the fat cats, and the corporate suits, but I am not really sure who won this round and things have changed a little. One of the fat cats is gone, and this time there were more corporate suits, but I feel like I didn't really get to hear their impressions and one of them could have access to this little bloggy, so I will just stop here. It was really just more of the same - that I need to do more, but am limited by fat cat management and lack of a staff, and that my data must absolutely go to press and we are working on it. The corporate suits this time seemed genuinely behind promoting my work and were discussing the best platform for me to present seminars on my data subject matter for conferences next year after my paper gets published. I am happy about that because I feel like at least they take me seriously, as opposed to the fat cats that block me at every turn. I do think my data has the opportunity to make the world a better place for animals, so I would love the chance to get it out into the world.
At home, the twinges were dampened by a little boy who is having an Elmo freakout. Any time he saw me near the computer, he wanted to sit on my lap and watch Elmo videos. We watched the "Elmo Potty Time" video on Youtube soooo many times in the past week and he never stops laughing at it. He also figured out how to crawl out of his crib and our nights are interrupted by constant chasing and putting back in place of renegade toddler, who then cries "ELMO! ELMO!" from the confines of his crib.
Meanwhile, back at the "farm", I am having a Mason-Pearson meltdown. I am showing the dog this weekend for the first time in at least half a year, and somehow during that time managed to lose my fancy-schmancy dog brush that I absolutely must have to whip his coat into shape with my fancy-schmancy doggy blow dryer. I have just a few days to find the brush and all the assorted show things and mentally prepare for the weekend.
I am taking a girlfriend with me out of town to the dog show, for some serious girl talk and creative endeavours. I am hoping our time will involve some hiking, some geocaching, and some nature exploration, as well as some writing. What I foresee is a hike in Tyler State Park to a beautiful location where we can sit down with our journals and just free our minds and relax....
But not too much relaxing. I have come to realize that my dog shows better when I am nervous, so I am going to try to keep the nerves intact in order to energize him in the ring.
Visualize purple ribbons for me...please!

1 comment:

The Writer said...

You show too? That's it! I'm going to have to look around and see if I can find any mut shows, I think, because I can really see Bear as being a world famous mut at some point when he finally stops chewing everything.

Have a great weekend!

Happy wandering!

The Writer...and her dog, Bear