Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Power of Prayer

My spiritual life lay dormant for a long time, but at one point in my recent past, I had a spiritual awakening and a deepening of my faith. When that occured, I found myself more concerned with walking a narrower path towards God. I began to pray more often, keeping an open commo line with the Keeper.
There is this particular issue I have been praying about for a couple of years. Lately I got upset with God that my prayers were not being answered quickly enough. I stopped praying for a few weeks.
That is when I started having the "minor freakouts". I felt like my life was out of my control.
One night I had this grand idea that the two were connected.
I came home and asked my husband to pray with me. I spoke the words, but asked him to join me in concentrating on it. I asked God to take some of the load off my shoulders, to reduce my feelings of overwhelming responsiblity, to help me cope with my stress and irritability in a more positive way.
Immediately things got better. I was less stressed. I noticed my husband making a concentrated effort to take the load off my shoulders. This helped me cope with the stress better. My act of speaking those words and having him concentrate with me had given him appreciation for what I was going through, and a choice to either help or hinder.
In a lot of ways, I think I am like Luke, who wrote the gospel. Luke was a medical doctor, and he wrestled with skepticism. His scientific mind wanted to analyze the prophecy of Jesus. But his faith accepted that some things we may never understand.
I think sometimes that prayer is just a self-fulfilling prophecy. If Buddhists don't pray to God, do they not reach nirvana? If you concentrate on something hard enough, you might be able to make it come true.
What's God got to do, gotta to do with it?

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