Wednesday, January 27, 2010


She asked me to shuffle the deck. I know how this works, how my energy is transferred in this manner to the cards. I also remember that sometimes it just feels right - sometimes a card just jumps out at you. In this case, I kept coming back to one card, and put that pile at the top of the deck. She turns the card over.
"Wheel of Fortune, reversed..."
Twenty minutes later, I had heard her sum up the upcoming changes in my life. The message was positive, but it also revealed some information about two major players in my life that surprised me greatly. Both were confirmations, one a confirmation of fears, and the other of a hope for the future.
The next day, I played the recording the lady had made for a friend of mine. We talked about the message, and I thought about it a lot that day. I was trying to decide what to do with the information presented. I felt torn between revealing it to the other two people involved, or waiting to see what unfolded.
Finally, I told one of them. Curiously, he contradicted what the cards told about him. I thought the cards accurately represented something I already suspected, and it's possible that this person was telling an untruth.
However, if they were being honest, and it really was untrue what the cards revealed about them, then were the cards wrong about the other person? I am not sure I am completely a believer about any of it, but I wonder. If it is possible that what came out in the cards was really my fear about this person, would what it revealed about the other person just be what I hoped would happen?
Only time will tell.....

1 comment:

Sara Louise said...

Sounds like you had a powerful reading, I love when that happens :-)